14 iunie 2012

The real idea of open source is for it to allow everybody to be "selfish"

...  not about trying to get everybody to contribute to some common good. ( Linus Torvalds )

Cum a reuşit omu' ăsta să exprime în câteva cuvinte ceea ce de fapt încercam şi eu cu Metaguvernare numai că nu ştiam.

Continuă: "I do not see open source as some big goody-goody <let's all sing kumbaya around the campfire and make the world a better place>. No, open source only really works if everybody is contributing for their own selfish reasons."


"those selfish reasons by no means need to be about <financial reward>"

"The early <selfish> reasons to do Linux tended to be centred about just the pleasure of tinkering"

şi totuşi... deşi fiecare o face din motive egoiste, faptul că fac acelaşi lucru generează relaţii de încredere... wow!

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