15 aprilie 2013

Singuri dar împreună

Un extras dintr-un articol care susține ideea de "brainstorming asincron", mai exact colaborarea folosind internetul ce oferă participanților libertatea de a contribui într-un mod natural, neîngrădit, fără presiuni și zgomot inutil. Aceasta este exact ideea care stă la baza site-ului panouldebord.ro.

"... The reasons brainstorming fails are instructive for other forms of group work, too. People in groups tend to sit back and let others do the work; they instinctively mimic others’ opinions and lose sight of their own; and, often succumb to peer pressure. The Emory University neuroscientist Gregory Berns found that when we take a stance different from the group’s, we activate the amygdala, a small organ in the brain associated with the fear of rejection. Professor Berns calls this “the pain of independence.” 

The one important exception to this dismal record is electronic brainstorming, where large groups outperform individuals; and the larger the group the better. The protection of the screen mitigates many problems of group work. This is why the Internet has yielded such wondrous collective creations. Marcel Proust called reading a “miracle of communication in the midst of solitude,” and that’s what the Internet is, too. It’s a place where we can be alone together — and this is precisely what gives it power. 

MY point is not that man is an island. Life is meaningless without love, trust and friendship. 

And I’m not suggesting that we abolish teamwork. Indeed, recent studies suggest that influential academic work is increasingly conducted by teams rather than by individuals. (Although teams whose members collaborate remotely, from separate universities, appear to be the most influential of all.) The problems we face in science, economics and many other fields are more complex than ever before, and we’ll need to stand on one another’s shoulders if we can possibly hope to solve them. 

But even if the problems are different, human nature remains the same. And most humans have two contradictory impulses: we love and need one another, yet we crave privacy and autonomy. 

To harness the energy that fuels both these drives, we need to move beyond the New Groupthink and embrace a more nuanced approach to creativity and learning. Our offices should encourage casual, cafe-style interactions, but allow people to disappear into personalized, private spaces when they want to be alone. Our schools should teach children to work with others, but also to work on their own for sustained periods of time. ..."
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2 comentarii:

Gab spunea...

De acord. Internetul schimbă totul. Eu încă nu-l înțeleg complet. O perspectivă cu care sunt oarecum mulțumit este: cu Internet poți interacționa cu mult mai mulți oameni decât fără Internet.

individul_x spunea...

Ce mă fascinează pe mine nu e doar că facilitează interacțiunea ci că oricine poate avea acces la tot ce "știu" ceilalți.

Fiecare vine cu o bucățică de puzzle, iar rezultatul este că oricine poate "vedea" întreaga imagine creată și în felul ăsta se poate conecta la conștiința grupului. Odată ce se întâmplă asta, pot apărea coordonarea, organizarea și sincronizarea fără să existe un conducător. Asta mi se pare că e adevărata inteligență: spontană, adaptabilă, descentralizată, organică.